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LE ROSE│N°1905 
LE GRIS│N°0421 
LE VERT│N°7732 

“A fragrance wraps around your wrist, or your neck, or maybe it’s just a wisp of scent on your ear lobe . . .
it becomes part of you, part of your signature.”

James de Givenchy

Les Couleurs de Taffin: a collection of 7 fine fragrances

by James de Givenchy

James de Givenchy introduces Taffin Fragrance. Partnering with select perfumers, he is extracting nature’s  beauty to create a collection of contemporary fine fragrance.

Welcome to Taffin Fragrance by James de Givenchy.

The Taffin Legacy

Taffin: A family whose name dates back more than 700 years and includes musketeers, soldiers, lawyers and leaders, gourmands, couturiers, and yes, artists. As James de Givenchy says, “For me, naming my company Taffin is an honor.”